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segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010

You are the one

Glückliches neues Jahr

Happy New Year

Feliz Año Nuevo

Onnellista uutta vuotta

Buon anno

Joyeux Nouvel An

No matter the language you speak

No matter where you live

No matter the color of your skin

You are the one!

A really great New Year.

No importa el idioma que habla
No importa donde usted vive
No importa el color de su piel
Tú eres el único!
Un gran Año Nuevo.

Não importa a língua que você fala
Não importa onde você vive
Não importa a cor da sua pele
Você é o cara!
Um ótimo Ano Novo.

quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010

Proganda e oralidade

Trabalho desenvolvido pela professora Débora, com o objetivo de trabalhar a oralidade dos alunos na língua espanhola.

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

Matrículas abertas

Matrículas Abertas para o Centro de Estudos de Línguas - CEL, na EE Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, em Guaratinguetá, para alunos da Rede Estadual de Ensino, a partir da 6ª série do Ensino Fundamental.
Cursos: Espanhol, Alemão, Inglês e Italiano para o 1º semestre de 2011
Responsável pelo atendimento: Antonia (Coordenadora do CEL)
Período: até 30/11/2010
Horário: 2ªs, 3ªs e 4ªs feiras das 08:00/11:30 e das 14:00/17:30; 5ªs e 6ªs feiras das 08:00/11:30 horas
Documentos necessários:
Declaração de Escolaridade
Nº do RA escolar
Obs.: A matrícula deverá ser feita pelos pais e/ou responsável.

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

Ensinar uma nova língua para a aquisição

Caros Colegas, navegando pela rede, encontrei este artigo a respeito do ensino de língua para aquisição. Tem tudo haver com a Proposta do CEL. Vale a pena conferir

1. Introdução

Começamos por estabelecer uma base para a proposta de que é distinto ensinar língua para aquisição. Essa modalidade de aprender sem que haja esforço concentrado, premeditado e sistemático na memorização de regras e na produção monitorada de frases é intrigante. Na nossa longa história de ensino das línguas predominou uma ortodoxia gramatical (uma ABORDAGEM GRAMATICAL) com foco na aprendizagem consciente de língua, principalmente entre adultos. Essa visão é compatível com uma equação racional do aprendizado de um novo idioma e até da própria L1 nos contextos escolares.

Por oposição a essa visão prosperou desde os anos 70 uma concepção natural ou humanista de aprendizagem subconsciente, baseada na absorção do sistema da língua-alvo mediante experiências relevantes e interessantes envolvendo o aprendiz-adquiridor e de cujo transcurso ou processo via funções cerebrais específicas não se dão conta os aprendizes.

A aquisição propicia com o tempo fluência e é duradoura. Ela opera em tempo e vida reais com naturalidade, sem pensar no processo adquiridor a cada passo, como se fosse uma segunda natureza sendo desenvolvida no novo idioma almejado. Aprender (conscientemente) uma língua na sala de aula de uma escola é uma fenômeno antigo e moderno ao mesmo tempo que acentua a escolha da gramática como matéria natural da disciplina “língua estrangeira” do currículo escolar. Voltaremos mais adiante a este aspecto disciplinar do estudo das línguas equiparando-se às outras disciplinas de conteúdo. Esse fato teve repercussões importantes para a forma de aprender línguas conforme veremos.

Aprendem-se línguas mas o desejo real das pessoas hoje em dia se concentra mais no adquirir uma competência de uso que lhes sirva de verdade para circular socialmente nessa língua-alvo pretendida para nela fazer coisas ou obter efeitos. Nosso propósito com este texto foi o de ajudar professores de línguas e de PLE em particular a responder perguntas encadeadas como: pode-se ensinar aquisição? Ou, melhor dizendo, pode-se ensinar para esperar que a aquisição ocorra nos alunos? Como produzir ensino que promova aquisição? São essas indagações que nos guiaram na construção deste capítulo derradeiro deste volume.

2. Ensinar para a aquisição

Alguns critérios se impõem para reconhecermos quando estamos produzindo um processo de aquisição e não de aprendizagem de língua no sentido estrito que formulamos acima. Em primeiro lugar, nessa modalidade podemos observar que a língua dita estrangeira no início do processo começa a deixar de ser alheia e dá sinais de converter-se numa língua que passa a ser do aprendente também. O aluno no modo adquiridor dá mostras de compreender o que se expressa na nova língua e ensaia dizer o que precisa ser dito no estabelecimento de relações, na apresentação de si nesse idioma, no esforço por construir sentidos e conhecimentos nessa língua e de ser compreensível de alguma maneira. A nova língua já circula com crescente naturalidade na sala e os aprendizes teem ocasiões também crescentes de produzir sentidos nela. Os assuntos tratados, aquilo do que se fala parece interessar os participantes e questões de língua podem ser levantadas, perguntadas e mostradas como irresolvidas. O professor pode, nesses momentos, ensinar com sistematização e até fazer seguimento com imitações e repetições para firmar novos e difusos pontos de língua. É preciso, portanto, ler os sinais que emitem os aprendizes para sinalizar quando necessitam de sistematização de aspectos regrados da língua-alvo.

É necessário ainda que as condições afetivas ou emocionais da sala e dos próprios alunos sejam favoráveis. Motivações de vários tipos em níveis desejáveis e sustentados por períodos mais longos, baixa ansiedade frente aos outros participantes, auto-estima positiva, pouca vulnerabilidade a pressões negativizantes de terceiros principalmente fora da sala, identificação com aspectos culturais associados à nova língua, ausência de bloqueios herdados de experiências ruins no passado, todos esses fatores se combinam para produzir um ótimo de absorção. Os alunos em aquisição mostram ainda esforço por aprender e aperfeiçoam sua consciência e estratégias de autonomização no processo ao formarem-se como adquiridores de novas línguas.

O nível de dificuldade do que se ouve ou produz na nova língua estará sempre um passo adiante do que já podem compreender e fazer os aprendentes-adquiridores num dado momento.

Os professores devem perguntar-se o tempo todo se estão fazendo aberturas em suas aulas para que ocorra aquisição. Essa atitude se configura como procedimento adequado para professores que almejam ser reflexivos em sua formação e desempenho profissional reflexivos. Pode perfeitamente ocorrer que seja necessário ensinar menos língua e mais conteúdos outros de outras áreas ou disciplinas para indicar a prioridade do professor. Essa prioridade dos conteúdos restaura a ideia de que língua não deveria ser preferencialmente tratada como objeto de estudo como é o caso da disciplina Linguística. Essa foi uma distorção do currículo que em algum momento passou a tratar língua como disciplina comum elegendo sua gramática como matéria. Ora, as línguas produzem o conhecimento das outras disciplinas e essa é uma distinção da sua natureza.

O ensino para a aquisição realizado com o concurso da construção ou reconstrução de corpos de conhecimento restaura a natureza da linguagem, mas deve ser preferencialmente pactuado com os alunos para que saibam o que se almeja e explorem maneiras cada vez mais apropriadas de conduzir o processo para a aquisição. Ensinar menos língua pode equivaler a ensinar mais sobre temas, áreas de conhecimento e projetos, por exemplo. Essas escolhas devem levar a maior produção interessada na nova língua durante mais tempo nas aulas e nas extensões dela. Estamos pressupondo que os aprendizes serão consultados sobre suas preferências temáticas. Ao desenvolver tópicos, tarefas e projetos pelos quais possa ser nutrido interesse (ou percepção de relevância igualmente) pressupomos não só interesse sustentado mas também suprimento e produção contínuos de insumo na nova língua capazes de gerar aquisição.

Esse estado de mobilização dos participantes nas salas levam ainda a atividades mais longas que tomam mais de uma aula ou partes de duas ou três aulas seguidas. Momentos de aprendizagem racional da parte sistêmica também teem muita probabilidade de ocorrer conforme afirmamos antes. Esses momentos, breves como soem ser, ocorrem para fortalecer o monitor memorizado que por sua vez pode servir à aquisição em condições específicas.

A transparência de uma nova língua para o falante de outra língua próxima como o é o Português para falantes do Espanhol, facilita introduzir o ensino para a aquisição mais cedo e com menos esforços por modificar a língua-alvo para ser compreendida nas fases iniciais quando a língua é naturalmente mais estrangeira. Mas isso não quer dizer, absolutamente, que não se pode ensinar línguas tipologicamente distantes para a aquisição. O impacto disso será tão somente um esmero na produção da nova língua como meio de comunicação na nova comunidade formada para facilitar a compreensão. Esmero pode significar falar mais lento, escrever menos e com mais foco no início exercitando a linguagem chamada de professores, ou seja, a linguagem do professor para se dirigir com compreensão aos seus alunos em fase inicial.

3. Precauções e questões posteriores

A opção por ensinar para a aquisição não é matéria para decisão num momento e implementação imediata. Os professores e mesmo os aprendizes devem ponderar sobre as implicações depois de se inteirarem da base teórica que justifica essa posição filosófica atrelada à abordagem
comunicacional em última instância. Aqui fizemos apenas uma incursão breve e necessariamente redutora da complexidade que o tema comanda.

Os professores ou coordenadores de cursos devem se perguntar:

(1) O que é melhor para meus alunos e para mim, ensinar para a aprendizagem ou para a aquisição?

(2) Para professores brasileiros não-nativos, que dificuldades há que se ter em conta?

(3) Há materiais disponíveis para imediata adoção que objetivem a aquisição?

(4) Como começar a ensinar para a aquisição?

A resposta para a primeira indagação vai tender a ser a aquisição. Ela ajuda a implantar uma capacidade de uso efetivo da nova língua que é algo desejável na sociedade tecnológica do conhecimento. Dificilmente vamos encontrar alunos interessados apenas em saber sobre o sistema da nova língua negligenciando o uso dela para fins reais sociais. Um dos impactos da decisão de se ensinar assim será a demanda por maior competência comunicacional no novo idioma por parte de professores não-nativos, a esmagadora maioria no caso brasileiro. Os professores terão de buscar maior capacidade de uso efetivo da língua-alvo mas a prática do ensino para a aquisição também leva a esse maior desempenho requerido com o passar do tempo. A outra grande limitação é a escassez de materiais de ensino para a aquisição. Combate-se essa ausência com produção de novos materiais capazes de criar as condições para que ocorra a aquisição. Começa-se por preparar-se o professor. Depois preparam-se os alunos para a nova modalidade. Uma unidade específica em cada um dos dois semestres de um ano podem ser campo propício para experimentação fundamentada e criteriosa antes de se implantar a nova modalidade. Muitas vezes, quando o quadro curricular não tolera mesmo essa experimentação parcial, o professor pode experimentar numa classe extensional que possa organizar na cidade. Uma igreja, um sindicato, uma sala nos fundos de casa, todas podem ser opções para quem estiver convencido de que há mais na aprendizagem de línguas do que nossos olhos e ouvidos se acostumaram a reconhecer.

José Carlos Paes de Almeida Filho -
Professor Dr. do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada da Universidade de Brasília


sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010

Describing food

Describing food is not as easy as it would seem. How many ways can you say something was really tasty? Not enough to keep you interested in what you are writing. That is why we have to borrow words from other areas to describe the food and the effect it has on us.

You can compare a dish to a picture, a sports game, a musical performance or give it personality. Describe its sunny or somber mood, shyness, assertiveness, or contradiction of flavors. Knowing the words for describing tastes and flavors will help you to find the right adjective in other areas.

Describing taste and flavor

Acerbic is anything sour, bitter or sharp - cutting, caustic, acid, mordant, barbed, prickly, biting, pointed. The opposite flavor would be mild, sweet, or honeyed.

Acid or Acidic food can be sharp, tart, sour, bitter. Just the opposite of sweet, sugary, honey.

Acrid taste can be considered pungent, bitter, choking, sharp, unpleasant, harsh - sharp, cutting, caustic, bitter, vitriolic, mordant, trenchant - sour, tart, sharp, biting, acerbic.

Aftertaste is the trace, hint, smack, relish, savor food leaves behind.

Ambrosia is the food of the gods, and epicurean delight, food fit for a king, delicacy, heavenly spread, gastronomical delight, some apply this term to the pièce de résistance in a meal.

Ambrosial is, therefore, fit for the gods, delectable, mouthwatering, heavenly, savory, delicious, tasty, toothsome, divine. It is not distasteful or disgusting at all.

Appealing food is attractive, tempting, interesting, pleasing, alluring, likable, engaging, charming, fascinating, glamorous. It is never repulsive, disgusting, or repellent.

Appetite is the hunger, craving, desire, taste, ravenousness, sweet tooth, thirst, penchant, or passion we experience. When we have an appetite for something, we don't find it revulsive, repulsive, or distasteful.

Appetizer is the tidbit, snack, starter, hors d'oeuvre, finger food, dip, cold cuts, kickshaw, olives, anchovies - canapés, dim sum, aperitif, rollmops, antipasto, crudités we might have to open a meal.

Appetizing is everything we find appealing, mouth-watering, delectable, savory, delicious, palatable, inviting, tantalizing, toothsome, luscious, tempting, tasty, enticing. Opposed to what we find nauseating, sickening, repulsive, unappetizing, revolting.

Astringent is biting, harsh, sharp, cutting, acerbic, severe, rough, acrid, mordant, caustic. It is not mild, soft, gentle.

Balsamic comes as soothing, balmy, mild, gentle, temperate, tranquil, calm. Never irritant or abrasive.

Biting taste means caustic, piercing, penetrating, stinging, sharp, severe, mordant, stinging. It is not gentle, balmy, or soothing.

Bitter is acrid, tart, sour, harsh, acidic, vinegary, acerbic. The opposite of sweet, honeyed, mild, gentle, warm.

Brackish means salty, briny, saline.

Briny, almost the same as the previous word, salty, brackish, saline.

Caustic is something cutting, biting, acid, acidic, sharp, astringent, stinging, scathing, excoriating. To say the opposite you would call it mild, sweet, or smooth.

Choice can mean selection or pick, but in relation with food -like a choice steak- means more often superior, excellent, select, top-notch, fine, first-rate, high-quality, cream of the crop, vintage, prime. second rate.

Delectable food is delicious, tasty, mouth-watering, appetizing, scrumptious, luscious, enjoyable, palatable, delightful, toothsome, pleasing, satisfying. Never tasteless, disgusting, or nauseating.

Delicious meals are tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, luscious, delectable, mouth-watering, fit for a king, delightful, lovely, wonderful, pleasant, enjoyable, appealing, enchanting, charming. You wouldn't call delicious that what is tasteless or unpleasant.

Divine cooking is fit for the gods, heavenly, godly, celestial, great, marvelous, delightful, lovely, blissful. Nothing earthly.

Dry food can be desiccated and withered like an old prune. Sometimes dry food keeps better, as beans and pulses; then being dry is a desirable trait. The dry weight –the solid part- in canned food gives you an idea of the real nutritional value. But most times dry food is juiceless and tasteless, lacking moisture -it will need a sauce. Food with a sharp, biting taste, or with a high proportion of strong alcohol is also dry. Food eaten without any spread, sauce or garnish would be eaten dry. Overcooked meat gets dry, having lost all juices.

Dulcet is sweet, honeyed, pleasant, in a gentle way, something in harmony with your taste or likings. It is never harsh.

Dulcified is what has been made sweeter, or softer, in taste, edulcorated, sweetened.

Flavored equals seasoned; food that has been given flavor, by normal seasoning or by artificial flavoring. Which flavor? Any, but by being flavored, it is sure to give some kind of taste experience.

Flavorful, obviously full of flavor, or you could say, instead, flavorsome, tasty, tangy, appetizing, palatable, savory or sweet -for a particular flavor- and, if you want to try less known words, sapid or saporous. It wouldn’t be flavorless, tasteless, bland, flat, or insipid.

Flavoring or seasoning, anything added to food for the flavor it imparts or the act of adding flavor to food. Think of herbs, spices, condiments, seasonings, or some food additives as different flavorings.

Flavorsome indicates good tasting, full of flavor, specifically pleasant flavor; implying delicious, tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, juicy, succulent, heavenly, inviting, luscious, mouthwatering, palatable, saporous, savory; may be divine, toothsome, and tempting. Consider flavorsome just the opposite of distasteful, nauseating, repulsive, sickening, unappetizing, unsavory.

Fruity food will be having a taste, smell or flavor of fruit; anything tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit. A wine full of fruity flavors will probably be considered concentrated, full-bodied, full-flavored, heady, heavy, lusty, mellow, potent, redolent, rich, strong, well-matured.

Full-bodied -usually applied to wine- means robust, or rich and intense flavor and aroma; it would be a wine that feels heavy in the mouth.

Gamy refers to the flavor or strong odor of game, especially game that is starting to spoil. It would be malodorous and rancid, certainly not fresh. It is a word more often applied to other areas than to food.

Gustatory, relating to the sense of taste, to the sensation in the taste buds.

Harsh, unpleasant to the taste, abrasive, coarse, acerbic, astringent, biting, bitter, caustic, cutting, dry, mordant, nasty, sharp, stinging, vitriolic. Definitely not smooth.

Heavenly, considered divine, wonderful, blissful, delightful, lovely, fantastic, glorious, sublime; opposed to horrible and dreadful.

Honey, honeyed and let us say sweet, sugar, sweetened, sugarcoated, syrupy, candied. Never harsh, acerbic or salty flavor.

Hot as in burning, scorching, boiling, blistering, sizzling, searing, blazing, torrid; or hot as in spicy, peppery, piquant, pungent, so strong flavored that makes one feel burning, fiery, intense, vehement, ardent, fervent flavors – definitely not cold, mild, soft or tasteless.

Juicy food is succulent, luscious, thirst quenching, moist, ripe, usually flavorful, many times fascinating. Dry and bland don’t apply.

Luscious food and we are talking juicy, moist food; delicious and delectable food; scrumptious or succulent food; super tasty, toothsome, more than palatable, surely mouthwatering food. Dry, disgusting or nauseating? No way!

Lush would be a rich, lavish, opulent meal; sumptuous, luxurious, certainly abundant. You would not be presented with sparse food, a scanty meal or a thin plate.

Mellow flavor is smooth, rich, full, soft, or melodious; usually a pleasant, fully developed flavor reached after an adequate aging period. In this sense of matured, softened, developed flavor, is often used when writing about cheese or wine. But it could be used perfectly for preserved or canned food, or to describe a particularly rich dish. Mellow is opposite to harsh.

Mouthwatering is that savory, flavorful, succulent, gorgeous, delicious food which gets you salivating; by no means unappetizing or distasteful.

Nectarous stands for ambrosial, delicious or sweet; something that reminds you of nectar, the drink of the gods –in Greek mythology, therefore it would seem more to the point using it for liquids than for solid food. Any sweet, stimulating drink could be nectar to your lips.

Palatable indicates edible, pleasant, tasty, just OK, appetizing, toothsome, I would not say delicious. Palatable food is acceptable to the palate, something in between mouthwatering and foul. It is NOT inedible, tasteless, or disgusting either.

Say peppery and piquant comes to the mind. Others could think of gingery, spicy, hot, fiery, sharp, stinging, pungent or somehow lively and strong. Tasting like pepper, no one would think it mild.

Pickled would account for that briny flavor that food preserved in a pickling liquid gets. Food is pickled, marinated or cured –pickling would prevent from spoiling- in some liquid with plenty of salt, vinegar, or similar, and spices.

Piquant and salty, savory, spicy, tasty or zesty are very similar words. Also to be considered having a pleasant pungent taste, hot, tangy, agreeably biting or sharp; never bland or insipid.

Pungent can be seen as strong, spicy, hot, heady, overpowering, sharp, biting, a penetrating taste or smell; or you could take it by the forceful, biting, cutting, caustic, acerbic side. Forget about bland or mild.

Rancid food is bad, stale, rotten, completely off; the opposite of fresh food.

Rank means pungent but in the fetid, smelly, foul, stale, rancid, definitely bad way; offensive to the smell or taste and not fresh.

Rich food is full, heavy, dripping, full-bodied, robust; a rich table is plentiful, abundant, loaded, ample, copious, stuffed. None of them is lacking or plain.

Saccharine is another way to say sugary, syrupy, maybe treacly; certainly it’s overly sweet and opposite to bitter.

Saline or salty could almost be used without distinction or they could be substituted by briny or brackish because both contain salt. Salty food is sure to be savory. Remember, salty is one of the basic tastes.

Sapid, saporific, or saporous are certainly full of flavor; that is to say flavorful, flavorsome, flavorful, flavorous. Better not pronounce, just write; those are not every day words

Savory has flavor. Which one? It might be salty, spicy, pungent, sweet or plainly aromatic and flavorful, but the taste would be pleasant and agreeable.

Scrumptious is shouting “eat me!” It is delicious, delectable, mouthwatering, tasty, delightful, gorgeous, lip smacking, yummy, wonderful in taste and aroma; never unappetizing, unappealing, or tasteless. Think of a scrumptious pie is very appetizing, pleasing to your taste; your sense of taste.

Sec is another way to say medium dry, un-sweet. This word is borrowed from wine world.

Sharp incisive, harsh, sour, tangy, acid, pungent, tart, bitter; it could be acerbic or astringent, but it is not bland.

Sour is one of the basic tastes. It is acid, lemon-like or vinegary, tart, bitter, acerbic. Sour food has a sharp biting taste and, certainly, is not sweet.

Spicy food has the piquant, hot, fiery, burning taste of spices. We are talking of highly spiced, piquant, zesty food, certainly savory. It can be also described after the predominant spice, like peppery or gingery food. This is the complete opposite of mild food.

Strong tasting food is highly flavored i.e. highly seasoned; concentrated flavor, intense, pungent, and as such piquant, hot, spicy and sharp, with an intense aroma. The flavor is never weak or faint. A strong wine is high in alcoholic content.

Succulent food is juicy, moist, tender, lush, luscious food; usually sweet tasting and the opposite to dry, flavorless food.

Sugary or sweet means syrupy, candied, sugar coated, honeyed, sweetened, sugared, maybe saccharine; opposite to bitter, unsweetened or sugarless.

Sweet-and-sour, a Chinese specialty and also said of a dish that has a pleasant taste and a bitter or sharp touch in contrast.

Sweetened or syrupy are other ways to say sweet, sugared, candied, honeyed, sugar coated

Tang applied to food refers to a tart spiciness. Describe it as that taste experience which leaves the tongue tingling after taking food to the mouth. Flavor, relish, savor, smack, zest, tanginess, piquancy, nip, all those words can be written in place of tang. Bland or dull food is just the opposite.

Tart sharp, sharp-tasting that is, bitter, acid or acidic, harsh, sour taste, just like a lemon. Sweet, honeyed and the like words are the opposite.

Tasteful or full of flavor, flavorful, food; it could mean refined, sophisticated, stylish or classy when it refers to the layout of a dish –the realm of a food stylist; the opposite? The answer is tasteless.

Tasteless is the opposite of tasteful or tasty. We are talking bland, flavorless, flat, insipid, weak, dull, savorless, plain, unseasoned, unsavory, unflavored, probably unappetizing food.

Tasting, sensing and distinguishing food by means of your taste buds. A tasting will usually mean a small sample of wine or food. To have a tasting means taking a small amount of food or wine to test its quality. But, sometimes, the only way to describe food is to say food was good tasting, or it tasted foul.

Tasty and by association… yummy! It is delicious, flavorsome, full of flavor, appetizing, scrumptious, probably fresh and juicy, making a succulent meal, a kid would say finger licking good. Apply to food and dishes full of bite, piquancy, zing, zest and relish. It will never be dull or tasteless, disgusting, gross or nauseating.

Toothsome, strictly used, refers to edible and pleasant food, or you could even write tasty, appetizing or delicious instead, something really pleasant to the sense of taste. But you will see it very often meaning healthy food, good tasting food that has something more than good taste going for it. The opposite will be inedible, tasteless, disgusting or foul… yucky!

Treacly is sweet but overly so, syrupy and saccharine to the point of being disgusting.

Unsweetened or no added sugar, no added sweet flavor; probably sugarless, plain or bitter in taste, but not always. Unsweetened tea is not to everyone’s taste but unsweetened fruit juices are perfect, as there is no need to add any sweetener to something it is already sweet. Opposites are sweet, saccharine, or syrupy.

Food with a vinegary flavor would taste like vinegar. It would be acetous, sour, acid, acidic, tart, astringent, pungent, harsh, acrid; never sweet.

Yummy food is scrumptious, delicious, delectable, luscious, great tasting, much more than tasty, really appetizing, lip-smacking; the kind of food to have you licking your lips in anticipation. This is the word everyone wants to hear when bringing food to the table. Yummy food is never unpalatable, plain tasting, distasteful or disgusting.

Zesty food has a vivid, spicy, piquant, utterly savory flavor; feels invigorating, stimulating, fresh and reviving. Food with a zesty flavor never soothing or dull; this is exactly the opposite.

domingo, 11 de julho de 2010

Oral Practice

Estes vídeos foram produzidos pelos alunos de inglês e constituem uma das atividades de prática oral desenvolvidas no primeiro semestre.

sábado, 10 de julho de 2010


Con el auditorio de la Escuela Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves lleno , tuvo lugar el sábado 10/07/10 la cerimonia de graduación de alemán y español del Centro de Estudios Idiomas en el funcionamiento en la escuela.
El equipo agradece la presencia de cada uno en el evento.

As fotos estão disponíveis no link na lateral da página.

sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

Cultural Exchange

Com o objetivo de conhecer e divulgar a cultura de alguns países falantes da língua inglesa, as turmas de inglês fizeram uma exposição oral abordando a história e a cultura da Inglaterra, dos Estados Unidos e da Austrália. Ao final dos trabalhos todos puderam saborear alguns pratos típicos desses países!

Congratulations folks! You did very well!!

segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010

Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom: Going beyond Halloween and Apple Pies | por Dr. Teresa Machado Maher (UNICAMP)

People talk differently. Some people say “mesa” and some say “table” when referring to the exact same object. Some people omit (or add) pronouns where others would never dare to. Some simply employ a rising intonation to turn an order into a polite request whereas, maybe just a few miles off, no simple intonation pattern can do this task – one must make use of specific polite words if it’s one’s wish to avoid being considered rude. As these examples show, differences in the way people talk can be accounted for by the lexical repertoire, the grammatical rules and the pragmatic conventions that are unique to their linguistic codes. I would argue, however, that significant differences also reside elsewhere.

People talk differently because, among other things, they have different interactional styles. It is known that personal and social characteristics affect and determine such styles. But I would like to call attention to another quite influential domain: the cultural one. Cultural “scripts” (expectations about how a conversation should be carried out) largely orient the same way we expect others to talk and the way we expect to be talked to. The analysis of some conversational episodes might make this point clearer:

Scene 1………IN A KITCHEN

American housewife: I’ve just finished baking some cake. Would you like some?
Brazilian student: (smiling) No, thanks.
American housewife: Are you sure?
Brazilian student: Yeah, thanks.
American housewife: (gently placing the cake back on the counter) OK….

Quite an ordinary dialogue one would say, and not too different from those commonly found in English textbooks used in Brazilian schools. Yes, I believe the interaction above demonstrates one of those instances where cross – cultural misunderstandings frequently occur. Suppose the Brazilian student had wanted a piece of that cake after all. How would she have reacted to her friend’s speech? Unless she was very aware of the specific cultural differences in conversational behavior in situations like this one, our Brazilian student would probably have ended up thinking something like “ Poxa, se ela nao queria dar por que ofereceu? “ Why would she have thought this? As a Brazilian her expectations would, most likely, have been that the other speaker would continue to offer a little longer and not accept her “ refusal “ so promptly ( “ Não, experimenta um pouquinho ….- “Não, já jantei …….” - Ah! Come um pedacinho só S’o para experimentar...” - - Não, não, obrigada” – Ah, vai .....só um pouquinho ? ” - “ Tá bom ...mas só um pedacinho hein ? “ ) .

Scene 2 in a living room

bRAZILIAN GUEST: Gee, It’s getting late! (starting to get up from the couch) I’d better go….

AMERICAN HOST: (Getting up) It was really nice seeing you! (heading towards the front door) We must get together again soon (opening the door and allowing his guest to leave)

BRAZILIAN GUEST: (walking towards the front gate) Yes, we must do that….

AMERICAN HOST: (standing by the door) Good bye!


AMERICAN HOST: (waves just before going back into the house and closing the door behind him)

Again, unless the Brazilian speaker realized that this American host had done nothing but follow what American culture dictated as appropriate behavior in such circumstances, I suspect our guest would not be able to avoid feeling he had worn out his welcome. Saying good-bye to people is a much longer and a quite different ritual in Brazil. To begin with, it is doubtful that any native Brazilian host would interpret a guest’s first physical signs of leaving to be a clear indication that the visit was over and, therefore, would not stand up himself (interactional culture manifests itself verbally and non- verbally). Such a body movement, as well as the language that usually accompanies it ( “Nossa! Já tá tarde ….” ) does not necessarily mean, in our country, that the person is leaving right away. More often not, the speaker’s intentions are just to signal that the time for him to leave is approaching. The host, consequently, is expected to say things like “ Imagine, ‘e cedo ainda, fica mais um pouquinho..toma mais um cafezinho “ which is very frequently a good hint that the conversation will go on for a while longer (10, 15 minutes) before any of the speakers actually gets up. And then again, getting up does not necessarily mean that the ritual is about to end. Some small talk at the front gate, next to the elevator or by the car (3, 5 minutes ?) is still pretty much a guest’s expectation. It also goes without saying that most Brazilian I know would feel uncomfortable if their hosts turned around and walked in before the car drove off and the guests were out of sight….


Brazilian businessman: (picking up the bill from the table) This is on me!

American businessman: (holding his wallet) Are you sure?

Brazilian businessman: Yes, it’s on me!

American businessman: (smiles as he puts his wallet back into his pocket) Thanks…..

Had the communicative situation above happened between two native speakers of Portuguese would it have developed in the exact same way? Highly improbable, I would say. Although the difficult economical situation of Brazil has certainly contributed to shorten the number of turns required in situations such as this one, still, a certain amount of “ resistance “ is expected ( “Não, deixa que eu pago “ – “ Imagine, de jeito nenhum “ – “ Por favor” – “ Em absoluto “), otherwise one of the lunch partners runs the risk of being considered cheap, or at very best, insensitive.

Culture has been part of the curriculum of Foreign Language Teaching for quite some time now. However, cultural matters presented in the classroom have, to a large extent, been limited to the teaching of some of the typical material aspects of the target culture: gastronomic preferences, celebrations, etc. I have been trying to suggest that this is not enough because there is another very important, even if less tangible, aspect of culture which should not be left out of our syllabuses. Reflections upon contrastive interactional styles belong in the classroom since our students are often unaware that many of the sources of stereotyping and intercultural miscommunication involve complex differences at the discourse level. Hoping that the examples presented here have been sufficient to convince you of the truthfulness of this article let me now focus on more pragmatic issues. How can teachers actually bring “interactional culture “ into the classroom? In my personal experience, a quite efficient methodological procedure has been the role playing of interactions like the ones found in textbooks or films in the student’s native language. The acting out of such interactions in Portuguese enables them to see where significant differences lie and generates interesting and rich discussions on cultural relativism. Such discussions also contribute to enhance students ` cultural identity. Discussing how different others are makes us more and more aware of our own uniqueness. After all, we are Brazilians because, among other things, we talk the way we do.

Before ending, a few words of caution are needed. First of all, teachers have to realize that when trying to decide what specific aspects of intercultural interactional styles should be discussed in their courses, they will have to rely pretty much on their own insights upon the matter. Contrastive cross - cultural research is scarce and no significant amount of reliable information is available which, ultimately, might be for the better. Had the research scene been different, straight-jacketed interactional cultural syllabuses would be crowding existing textbooks, possibly leading teachers to form a series of misbelieves regarding such complex phenomena as Language and Culture. Language usage is highly unpredictable and Culture is not a monolithic entity. Therefore, no teaching syllabus, no matter how comprehensive, can possibly foresee, avoid or solve all problems in interactional communication. We cannot and should not forget that when we include the study of contrastive interactional styles in our school agenda, we are dealing only with the most ritualistic level of language as it is usually performed by members of one of the subcultures (usually the dominant one) that make up the total cultural texture of a given nation or groups of nations.

Finally, when I advocate that the classroom is the proper piece for discussing differences in interactional styles I do not mean that by doing so we should be aiming at drastically changing our students interactional behavior, turning them into perfect clones of native speakers of the foreign language. What I am advocating is that an awareness that people do talk differently all over the world will help promote in our students tolerance for differences, avoidance of stereotyping and enhancement of their cultural identity. Those, I believe, are worthwhile aims to pursue in any educational endeavor.


DAMEN, L. Culture and Learning: The Fifth Dimension in the Language Classroom, Reading: Addison Wesley, 1991
GUMPERZ, J. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982
TANNEN, D. That’s Not What I Meant. New York; William Morrow and Company, 1986.
TYLER, A and DAVIES, C. Cross-Linguistic Communication Missteps in T.A. van DIJK (ed.) Text 10 (4); 385-411, 1990

Republished from the APLIESP Newsletter under permission

sábado, 5 de junho de 2010


Interactivity and technology resources presenting contents are the difference for this museum, the most visited in Brazil. This collection is under exhibition in an innovative and uncommon way. Visits start top down. At the auditorium, on the third floor, a 10-minute video explains the origin of Portuguese Language. Then, people crosses Praça da Língua (Language Square), where an audiovisual presentation shows the wealth variety of Portuguese projecting texts on the whole room.

On the second floor, a gallery exhibits a 106-meter screen with simultaneous projections about daily use of Portuguese. At “Palavras Cruzadas” (Crosswords) section, Totems explain several influences from other people and language in Portuguese formation. A timeline showing the history of Portuguese language and a room (Beco das Palavras - Word Alley) where educational electronic game about the origin and meaning of the words are fascinating due to its interactive resources. You will finish your visit at this floor with an exhibition of panels telling the history of this building, where Luz Station is also located.

And finally the first floor, with an area for temporary exhibitions. Opening exhibition was homage to “Grande Sertão: Veredas", (The Devil to Pay in the Backlands) by Guimarães Rosa. There were also exhibitions on Clarice Lispector and Gilberto Freyre.

Elevators are also used for exhibition, as it overlooks to Árvore da Palavra (Tree of Words), a 16-meter sculpture by artist Rafic Farah. An audio repeating a mantra by Arnaldo Antunes is available.

Museu da Língua Portuguesa
Praça da Luz - Centro (Luz Station subway and train)
Phone: (5511) 3326-0775
Time: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 05:00 pm. Last Tuesday of the month, 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Price: R$ 4. Free for children under 12 and elderly people. Saturday: free


Entre actos 1964-1968

Con el foco en el arte brasileño producido durante el régimen militar, esta es la primera de una serie de exposiciones que pretenden investigar la constitución del acervo de MAC USP. Durante períodos distintos, cada exposición va a cubrir diferentes momentos de ese período.

El acervo 1964/68 cuenta con variadas obras, que para marcar las cuestiones estéticas del período y orientar al visitante, se dividieron en tres categorías. Figura, gesto y plan.

La esposición tambiéns trae experimentaciones formales y lenguajes poéticas, que van desde la abstracción informal hasta la influencia del arte pop.

Fecha: Hasta 1/8
Horarios: martes a viernes, de las 10h a las 18h; sábado y domingo, de las 10h a las 16h.
Local: MAC USP: Rua da Reitoria, 160 - Cidade Universitária
Informaciones: Tel.: (11) 3091-3039

quinta-feira, 3 de junho de 2010